Lunch and Learn

What better way to multi-task than to eat and learn? The Lunch and Learn event is an informal development or training session which takes place while you eat. It brings people together from across your organization to mingle in a comfortable setting where the benefits are also to drive personal development, build stronger teams, and improve business development.

The 90-minute session is an opportunity for coworkers to share their skills and expertise, share ideas on how the organization can improve its products or services, and engage in other essential core skills.

The sessions aren’t always centred around business-related presentations and can include activities that promote physical and mental wellbeing or insight from experts outside of the organisation. The organisation covers the cost of the lunch which presents an attractive incentive for employee participation.

At the end of a Lunch and Learn event facilitated by Lead To Influence, employees can leave feeling united towards a common purpose, relaxed and ready to take up the new day’s challenge. The sessions can improve workplace harmony and help determine the strength and weaknesses of employees for improved performance.

If you represent an organisation that would benefit from one or multiple Lunch and Learn sessions, contact us today and we’ll help you plan.